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Now in its eighth year, our report remains the construction industry’s only cost index specified to the data centre sector.
The Department of Defence competes with sectors in an environment of high escalation levels, disruptive supply chains, and industry insolvencies.
The role of mass timber construction in supporting global decarbonisation is in the spotlight in North America.
The pressure is on the infrastructure sector to ensure that planned projects and programmes live up to expectations post pandemic.
Against the backdrop of the global climate crisis, we need to implement ‘greener’ building practices to benefit both communities and the environment.
We are seeing acute cost pressures being felt not only in San Francisco but throughout both primary and secondary cities across the United States.
The delivery of the Act has been a careful political juggling act, focusing on job creation and economic revival while galvanising the green agenda.
Sellafield Ltd is leading a 100-year project to create a clean and safe environment for future generations across the UK.
Construction projects rely on complex global supply chains, highlighted by the recent supply chain crisis of demand, the pandemic and shipping costs.
Globetrotters seeking top vacation spots could soon be heading to Saudi Arabia, as planning continues to make it a leading tourist destination.
The global rise in electric and hybrid vehicle sales has accelerated demand for batteries powering this evolving technology.